The Difference Between the 20th and 21st Centuries

235Question: What is the difference between the beginning of the 21st century and the beginning of the 2oth century, which was marked by the First World War and the need for changes in society?

Answer: At the beginning of the 2oth century, there was a fight for division, governance, and influence in the world. And today, at the beginning of the 21st century, there is a struggle for survival.

It is clear to everyone that it is impossible to rule the world, as it was thought before.

The world is governed by other forces, not ours, and we must comprehend them and enter them. The 21st century is the century of comprehension of the upper collective governance, the upper mind, and our common “I.”

Until the 2oth century, we developed in the search for knowledge, science, literature, and culture. The 2oth century is the century of integration when we were obliged to communicate with each other through mutual trade, separation–connection, war, and peace. People began to move, relocate, and understand that the world is round. They lost the sense of the flatness on which they live and developed a feeling of a sphere. This is very important and is the result of the 2oth century.

And then we began to experience huge problems with integration. It happened very quickly and imperceptibly because we are entering a state where changes occur much faster than we can realize with our feelings and mind. It turns out that today we are in a state that we do not understand at all.

There was a time when rulers would say, “It will be so,” and it was so. Then they would look at the world around them, consult their advisors, and say, “It is better to do this or that.” Today neither they nor their advisers understand anything. The time of kings has passed because it is impossible to follow whatever pops into the king’s and his advisers’ heads. Besides, there are no wise advisers left. So, we don’t know what to rely on and what to do with ourselves. That is the problem.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The Difference between the 2oth and 21st Centuries” 2/11/12

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