New Life 257 – Interdependent Relationships In The Neighborhood

New Life 257 – Interdependent Relationships In The Neighborhood
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz

How do we elevate relations between neighbors to a higher level?

A person of today generally wants to close himself off in his apartment and not be disturbed, but this doesn’t happen. Instead of building more walls and further isolation, one must begin to build relationships and connections. The only remedy for any problem, neighborhood problems included, is to build good relationships and connections between us. If we hire someone else to address problems, it will not help. Nature is pushing us to connect and integrate with each other.

Neighbors should gather socially to get to know each other better. Then they can share their mutual concerns and think together about how to address problems through building good relationships between them.

Games and activities that connect children can be an effective approach to also begin to connect their mothers. Ask “What do we have in common? What don’t we have in common?” Such discussions can lead neighbors to explore how they can improve their situation together. Shared classes, a shared picnic, or a shared barbecue will fill everyone with good feelings.

But above all, we need to change our attitudes to each other. In a perfect neighborhood everyone feels like one family: close, connected and concerned about each other and the fulfillment of each individual’s needs and our common needs together.
From KabTV’s “New Life 257 – Interdependent Relationships In The Neighborhood,” 11/19/13
This summary was written and edited by students of Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman

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