Luck in Spiritual Work

528.03Question: What is luck in spiritual work?

Answer: Luck, Mazal in Hebrew, is from the word “Nozel – drips.” If drops of light, photons from above, drip on you, then you are lucky.

Drops of light illuminate your path a little, ignite a spark in the darkness, and then you can at least see something. Although, drops of light give points of sparks, lights up and goes out, lights up and goes out, nevertheless, from them you get some idea, not of the picture that is around, but of how you should act in it. It is most important!

Based on this, one can begin to annul oneself in front of the group. This is the biggest problem! We hear about it, we read about it, but we are not able to internally understand it in order to begin to annul before the friends. That is why the beginning of implementation is so difficult.

And before that, you do not understand at all: “Could it not have been done at least a couple of years earlier? For ten years I was sitting and listening, but I was just listening!”

What does “heard” mean? For the first couple of years, it passed by the ear at a distance of ten centimeters, then at a distance of five, two centimeters, and, finally, it began to enter me. But by the time it came from the ear to awareness and from awareness to the heart and you realized that you need to do something, ten years have passed. It is not too long.

Question: What is this barrier? What is it?

Answer: The barrier is in the stupidity of our egoism. It does not want to hear anything! This is not ordinary egoism; the sharpness of the mind of a person and one’s special grasp will not help here. The ego will find any reason not to do it.

But this is very important information that a person receives about himself and about his qualities.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The Body Strives for Constant Rest” 3/11/12

Related Material:
Drops Of Luck
The Light Brings Us Luck
Luck: Releasing the Light For Us Drop By Drop

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