The Diamond Is in You

198Comment: There is a Buddhist parable about a professional pickpocket that lived in the city of jewelers. One day, he saw a man buy an incredibly stunning huge diamond that this pickpocket had wanted to acquire his whole life. So, he followed the man, got on the train, and sat in the same compartment. Once the man fell asleep, he checked through all the man’s clothes, but could not find the diamond. When the man left to the bathroom, he checked the man’s bags and suitcases, but still could not find it.

Upon leaving the train, the pickpocket followed him and earnestly told him: “I am a pickpocket, a professional. I never fail. Everything was clean. I followed you to tell you I could not find the diamond I wanted to steal from you.”

The man answered: “I saw you right away. When I was buying the diamond, I realized you would follow me, that you wanted this diamond. So I hid it where you would not look for it.”

“Where is this place?”—exclaimed the pickpocket.

“I hid it in your pocket.”

In conclusion, the “diamond” you seek is right next to you, closer than your breath.

We always look for these “diamonds” somewhere out there. All the time. We dedicate our lives to it, fighting, hating, searching. But in fact, it is so close. It is right here—in our “pocket,” in us.

What is this “diamond?” And why cannot we find it?

Answer: Find the real you, do not look for something in others; it is not there. Everyone has their own. One must find one’s own—one’s soul, one’s most intimate. And then a person will find everything in life. But if you look for it in others, you will never find it. It will not be yours.

Question: What does it mean to find yourself?

Answer: To find yourself is to find your connection with the Creator, the innermost point in the heart. This is this great, big, special stone.

Question: Is this connection with the Creator, this diamond, found in every person?

Answer: In everyone. This is the point of connection with the Creator. This is our personal diamond.

Question: Must everyone find it?

Answer: Of course.

Question: We always fall into despair. We keep looking for it, but we cannot find it, we search, but do not find. Must we face constant discouragement and make all attempts to find it?

Answer: Calm down, because this diamond is in you. You only need to find the connection with the Creator within yourself.

Question: When does the wisdom come to a person that everything is in me?

Answer: It is a result of experience.

Question: And the experience, must it be bitter?

Answer: It takes time. A couple of decades.

Question: And when I come to the fact that everything is in me, will I be at peace?

Answer: Naturally. After all, you have found the central point of your world—where the Creator and you exist.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 12/15/22

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