Transitional State

947Question: We have been organizing congresses for many years. Do you see any progress?

Answer: Today we have already reached the understanding that the only thing we need is to receive help from above. This is a very serious thing.

It’s easy to talk about it, but it’s difficult to feel from within that nothing will help me if I don’t get help from above, from the Creator, from nature, if this power, the quality of bestowal, doesn’t clothe on me.

This is already the reverse side, the lower part of the next degree, and means that we are in that upper degree, only for now we have entered the “vestibule,” the intermediate room, the adapter. And now it will open up, and we will go out into the next dimension.

Question: Can we fall out of this adapter?

Answer: No. There is no way back. Only forward.

We can sit here for a long time; it depends on us, on our efforts, but, in principle, only forward. No one has a way back.

Question: It often happens that we suffer such failures. How can we succeed, for example, in dissemination?

Answer: Dissemination has nothing to do with it. It helps us realize that we need the next degree and soon, because if it does not exist, we will not be able to give anything to the world.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The Reason for Failures in the Group” 1/28/12

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