Asking the Creator for Help

549.01Question: Your teacher Rabash wrote that one should pray to the Creator to help him go above reason. And this work should be in joy, as if he had already been awarded spiritual knowledge.

How can you ask for such a thing? What should we do with regular requests that automatically arise within us?

Answer: If a person aims himself toward connecting with others, to love others, if he turns to the Creator in order to rise above his egoistic nature, he gradually succeeds.

Comment: But it is against our nature.

My Response: Yes. That is why I said gradually succeeds.

Question: Your teacher also wrote that man’s sin is not asking the Creator for help. Had he asked, he would certainly have received it.

It turns out that the only sin is not in doing some unworthy actions, but in not asking the Creator for help.

Answer: Yes. “Why didn’t you ask?”

Question: Isn’t it considered a sin if you have done something against humanity?

Answer: You should have asked not to do such actions or have such thoughts or motives.

Question: So if something has already been done, it is not a sin?

Answer: There is an opportunity to correct everything.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 9/25/22

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