Not to Resist Changes in Oneself

600.02Question: A huge number of people have chosen to resist changes in themselves for centuries. Mostly, this is done by restrictions and isolation as in some types of yoga, self-isolation of countries, etc.

What happens to a person or people who limit or isolate themselves? Is this also a change?

Answer: It is a certain kind of change in worldview. But at the same time, a person must understand what state he is in. If he has fixed several of his coordinates, then accordingly, the whole world will be fixed in him in this way and he will no longer feel himself in a moving, changing world.

Question: Is that good or bad?

Answer: This is a question of relativity. Do I want to live in a world that moves according to some laws of my own or do I want to make changes to these laws? Do I wish, if I can, to stop the movement of the world, to stop myself relative to the world? That is, there are many variants here; however, all of them do not yet rise above the level of philosophy.
From KabTV’s “Kabbalah Express” 9/23/22

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