The Purpose of Prayer Books

525Question: On one hand there are a huge number of different prayers: for certain days of the year, certain seasons, and holidays. On the other hand, Kabbalah says that you should ask only one thing, for the Creator to give you His own property, the property of bestowal. Why is there so much writing about this?

Answer: In principle, we do not need anything else, only to master the properties that the Creator possesses.

Comment: So, there would be one line: “I ask You to give me the property of bestowal and love,” and that is it.

My Response: Indeed. But in order for a person to understand what he is really asking for, that he is in this prayer, he needs a lot of words.

Therefore, all thick books with prayers are designed to properly set a person up for a request.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 9/25/22

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