There Is War Outside the Window

294.2Question: In light of recent events, Vera writes this short letter: “I would like very much to talk about the Creator, the cosmos, the world, and the inner state of a person, but there is war outside the window.”

How can a person in this situation think about the Creator, about connection, and about peace, when there is war around him?

Answer: It is said very simply: “Do not judge another until you find yourself in his place.” Therefore, I cannot talk about such conditions. Although I was in the army, it was not the same.

Question: When a person is in a state of grief, when a person is in trouble, perhaps not even because of war, how can he cope with it? Give us at least a few steps.

Answer: Just open our books and, in the state he is in, simply read and grasp what is said in Kabbalah.

This will bring a person closer to the truth, correct him, fill him with upper energy, give him greater confidence, disconnect him from corporeal problems that he wants to solve by corporeal methods, and give him the opportunity to think about the way to solve them in real way.

Question: If there is war outside the window or somewhere around there is war, can our books still help a person?

Answer: Naturally. They are the only ones that can help because when a person reads them, he invites, invokes, and attracts upon himself the upper energy, the light of the Creator, and it lifts him up, saves him, shelters him, and protects him.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 9/22/22

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