Play Life

629.3Question: When we play that we are already in a corrected state, do we thereby attract awareness upon ourselves? Or what?

Answer: When we play that we are trying to connect with each other and reveal the quality of bestowal and love between us, then accordingly we attract the upper light to us according to the law of equivalence of qualities.

It shines upon us imperceptibly because we do not yet have real qualities to be like light. After all, only in them can it be manifested. But our attempts over and over again lead us to this.

Question: Let’s say we externally play that we are supposedly in a single process, already connected, but internally everyone feels confrontation and inconsistency with this state. How can you deceive the upper force with an external picture?

Answer: We are not deceiving anyone, we play like children.

We try to make ourselves similar to the next degree, and this similarity invited the surrounding light upon us. This is the same principle that a child has in our world. The same forces act on us—the forces of development.

If you do not try to become like an adult, you will remain little, you will just grow up, gain weight, but you will not get smarter. This is the same principle, there is nothing new here! It is a game, but a very serious one.

Do children not have such a state like play? They have it everywhere! We all play, constantly, for the rest of our lives because we always imitate someone.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. To Play Life” 2/29/12

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