When Everyone Feels Only Themselves

232.08Question: You wrote about what a broken heart is in your blog. I liked where you said: “To ‘break’ the heart means to attain that same point in which we were once as a single, unified picture of Malchut and then were shattered into numerous parts.”

Do I understand correctly that the feeling of being separated from all other people is called my broken heart?

Answer: Yes. Only when these two sentences are linked together, they do not sound quite right.

We all come from the same state—from one heart, from the same desire. This desire then broke into many parts. This action is called the shattering. Afterward we each exist in our own separate egoistic desire.

It is called a broken heart when everyone feels only himself and not the whole global system in which the Creator is located.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 11/27/22

Related Material:
Revive The Broken Heart
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Why Was The General Soul Shattered?

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