The Basis of Human Relationships

281.02Question: Whenever people advance toward the spiritual goal, they are interested in the answer to the question: “When? How much more effort does it take? How many more people have to wake up early in the morning every day, study, and connect in order to reach the goal?”

Answer: I do not think it takes millions to do it. People like us should study according to their desires, aspirations, and intentions. The rest will just live and gradually absorb those movements that come from Kabbalah: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” “That which you hate, do not do to your friend,” and so on.

These seem to be such elementary things, but they will be the basis of human relations. That is, without talking about anything, without being urged, people will begin to feel that it is necessary.
From KabTV’s “Conversations, Israel and Its Impact on the World” 11/18/21

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