Matter, Energy, Information

939.02Question: Will everything you have invested in your students eventually be revealed in them?

Answer: Of course! And for generations. There can be nothing else in them except from me, and I have it from my teacher, and so on. Everything goes according to the hierarchy from the world of infinity.

Those who break away from me or become opponents; it means that this is their fate. I feel sorry for such people, but they cannot act in a different way.

Question: How do the stages of revelation occur? You say that Rabash laid all the spiritual foundations in you, and you lay them in your students. How does this happen, what are the factors?

Answer: Matter, energy, and information. Matter is the will to receive, energy is the quality of bestowal that can be transferred outward from the desire, and in accordance with this, information enters people. Desire – screen – light.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The Fate of the Kabbalist” 11/02/09

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