With a Wave of a “Magic Wand”

509Question: Besides studying the sources, besides the fact that people are trying to understand the thoughts of the Kabbalists, what else is there to help us get away from the daily contradiction that shows that reaching love between people is a very, very difficult task?

Answer: Kabbalists have such a “magic wand” with which they can change the internal qualities of a person. These are certain forces that they awaken in nature. Any person can awaken them, regardless of any conditions, if only there is a desire.

Kabbalists are engaged in the fact that they begin to wish that these forces of care, love, attention, and connection would be manifested between them and act on those around them. In the end, I hope it will be possible.

Question: So, the whole point is to cause some external influence. Are all the work, all the exertions, and all the efforts that the students have to put in directed precisely at this?

Answer: Yes, to awaken an external good force that would influence everyone, neutralize our egoism and develop altruism.
From KabTV’s “Conversations, Israel and Its Impact on the World” 11/18/21

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