At 125 Degrees of Attainment

209Question: When we read a novel, we imagine what is described in it in different ways. If we take, for example, such a line: “Paris. She was sitting on the veranda,” then a hundred people who read it would imagine a different Paris and a different character.

How do Kabbalists who read, for example, the The Study of the Ten Sefirot perceive the same material in the same way?

Answer: They perceive it in different depths. The fact is that the same sentence can be perceived at 125 degrees of attainment, and therefore, they attain it differently, but in the same style, in the same direction, and in the same understanding. This is somewhat similar to how we imagine the novel’s character sitting on the veranda, which you gave as an example.

Question: But if, let’s say, we take the fifth degree of attainment, figuratively speaking, then does everyone who is on it perceive this material completely in the same way?

Answer: Yes. Is it not the same in our world? If you come to a certain geographical place, then you see the same thing there as the others do. Only your feelings are subjective, they remain yours, but, nevertheless, when you sit down together and talk, you will talk about some common things and at the same time each one will talk about some things subjectively.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Recommended Books” 12/12/13

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125 Degrees
125 Degrees Of Drawing Closer To The Light
125 Attainments Of Perfection

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