How Can You Deceive Egoism?

528.03Question: It happens that a person does not control his advancement, but not because he does not want to. He understands that this is important, this, seemingly, is his only chance, but it seems as if someone is blocking him from above. What can you do in this state?

Answer: No one is blocking you other than your own egoism.

Question: How can you deceive it?

Answer: Together with the group, there is nothing else. Read what all Kabbalists write! They have nothing else to offer. Nothing else is needed.

This is a simple system—either the connection between everyone into one single organizational system at all levels: inanimate, vegetative, animate, and human or not an organization into one single whole, but a contradiction between all, and then we have confusion.

At some stage it seems that competition is better, but eventually it leads to its natural end because it cannot develop indefinitely. Even because human resources are limited.

What can we compete for? In sports, yes, in various intellectual games, yes, but not in serious matters.

In Kabbalah, competition is about who will bestow more, who will be more useful to society. Competition is not destroyed. This, in general, is a very healthy force and good motivation. Envy, hatred, and jealousy, everything, everything is good only for the sake of bestowal.

Question: Let’s say a person, as you say, must dissolve into a group, but his egoism grows and starts to disturb him again. How can he still give himself to the group? Or is it basically impossible? That is, will there nevertheless be such separation-integration, separation- integration phases?

Answer: Yes, but it will be with the group, it will be soft. If a person walks with a group, he has practically no ups and downs, everything is smoothed out, as in a Wheatstone Bridge Circuit.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Progress Through Pressure” 12/2/13

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Competition And Hatred
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