What Is the Strength of a Kabbalist?

631.5Question: Do you have any fear that your adversaries may attack you?

Answer: I am not alone, I am with the Creator and my friends. I am much stronger than the rest of them! They seem like little bugs to me that purposefully show me what else I need to correct.

I am not afraid of anyone at all! What should I be afraid of?! Even if I cease my physical existence in the next moment I will still remain in the field of the Creator. Don’t we understand that we exist temporarily? In such a low world!

We are given the only opportunity, which is to rise to the world of infinity, merge with the eternal upper force, and exist the same way as this force. This force governs everything, it forms everything. What should I be afraid of except this force?

Precisely, I constantly try to get in contact with this force, to enter into the system of mutual relations up to the complete merging with the similarity of properties.

Inwardly, I am not afraid of anything. But still, I have to care about my safety, that is the paradox. If I go somewhere, I am obliged to understand if there is a risk I have to go out with security and so forth. This is the obligation from above.

A person should guard himself. He does not have the right to enter unsafe places since he is still not completely corrected. This is the degree to which he should have fear. This means that fear is something like my recognition that I am not corrected.

Comment: Sometimes there are types of fear that create inner anxiety, meaning it is not that you are simply tough and that is all.

My Response: I am not tough because I am stronger than others. I am stronger because I sense correctly where we all exist together. My strength is my knowledge, revelation, and sensation of the true world.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Turn an Enemy Into a Friend” 11/18/13

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