Awakening Desire in the Friends

528.01Question: Some of your students are at their workplaces during the lesson, for example, in the studio engaged in broadcasting or something else. When asked if they ever come to class, many answer: “I fall asleep there, but here I at least I am working.” How can such students behave in the correct way?

Answer: If during this time a person creates some kind of socially useful product, then let it be.

Question: And if he does not create anything, but simply sits in his familiar place?

Answer: Never mind. He nevertheless somehow participates; he is included with us in the common process. It is really hard to be at the lesson. A person is tired in the evening or wakes up early; it is cold or conversely hot, and this makes him sleepy. I understand all these problems so I am very patient with them; it does not bother me at all.

Question: But on the other hand you say that we should not turn a blind eye to this; we should take care of the friends. After all he could leave the path in this manner.

Answer: You are his friends. You should try. Talk to each other and bring it up for discussion. This is your job, not mine.

Question: But how, can you pull them out by force? On the one hand you say that you need to give a person freedom of choice, but at the same time we should pull him up and not let him fall.

Answer: The main thing is desire. Try to awaken desire in him.

Question: Do you have any examples of how you awakened desires in other people?

Answer: No. I acted in accordance with Rabash’s instructions. I took a few veteran students, trained them as teachers, put new students with them, and they taught them. We studied with Rabash, and those who dozed during his lessons were teaching newcomers and thus did not fall asleep.

Therefore, for a person who falls asleep in his place at the computer I would definitely arrange such classes for him to teach. In this case, he will have to study. Moreover, it will motivate him to work and to connect with the rest.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Revival of the Dead” 12/12/13

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