Advancement Through Pressure

221Question: Why should a person advance to the goal through pressure according to the Kabbalistic method?

Answer: The fact is that you have to replace your nature, either voluntarily and consciously or under harsh pressure.

Either you produce this pressure yourself and convince yourself to change your attitude toward people or nature convinces you—one of the two. This is the manifestation of all the corrections, which should be implemented right here in this world in our mutual relations.

Question: Let’s say that in principle I know and understand this method. But suddenly before some action, there is such a state that I just enter into a dissonance that presses on me?

Answer: But this is just simple egoism! It means that you lack the influence of the group and that you are not integrated with it enough. The most important thing is the environment, the group.

Comment: But this happens just before the action. Then when I already get into the action, go like a millstone and exit this state, I realize how important it is and how cool it is. But still, with the next step I feel pressure again.

My Response: True. This is how it happens: slowly and gradually until the altruistic force that is hidden inside the egoistic force is revealed to you. We need to break through to it.

Comment: Only then does the understanding come, but it is in sensations and not in the mind, and only later is it analyzed by the mind. I am going through overcoming and only in the sensations do I feel a greater breadth.

Answer: Certainly. Everything happens in sensations. Objective reality is given to us in sensations, as the Marxists used to say.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Progress Through Pressure” 12/2/13

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