The Advantage of Integral Education

269There are a large number of unnecessary professions in the world. A person should be freed from them; otherwise, he will completely pollute the earth. He should be taking through integral education.

It is estimated that 75% of working people are engaged in completely unnecessary work. It would be much better if more than 90% of the world’s population stopped doing anything at all, and would simply sit and consume. Both people and the environment would be better off.

So the method of integral education is urgently needed to put the economy in order, to make it normal, economical, and to free people for what is really necessary.

Our conformity to nature, which can be achieved by integral education, will bring all of nature and us into order, meaning into harmony, and all the problems that we see in the world today and call a crisis will actually become the birth of a new humanity. In principle, the real meaning of the word “crisis” is birth, and not something negative that we understand by this term.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Invest a Part of Yourself” 8/24/13

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