“One Who Eats that which Is Not One’s Own Is Afraid to Look Upon One’s Face”

627.1We should understand this question of our sages, who asked about it: “If the purpose of the creation of the worlds was to delight His creatures, why did He create this corporeal, turbid, and tormented world? Without it, He could certainly delight the souls as much as He wanted, so why did He bring the soul into such a murky and filthy body?” (Baal HaSulam, The Study of the Ten Sefirot, Chapter 1, Inner Observation, Item 6).

The Creator placed the soul in such a murky and filthy body precisely so that we, proceeding from our original disgusting state, would begin to attain His perfection, eternity, and qualities.

Then Baal HaSulam goes even deeper: One who eats that which is not one’s own is afraid to look upon one’s face. This means that we can attain the Creator only to the extent of our similarity to Him. To the extent that we acquire the qualities of bestowal, love, and connection, we will be able to attain Him.

Question: What does shame have to do with it?

Answer: Shame is a feeling of the manifestation of our separation from the Creator. He placed us in this world so that we could reach His perfection from this lowest, filthiest state and stop feeling shame.

Comment: In principle, it is logical. This also exists in our world.

My Response: Yes, it is absolutely logical. The only thing is how to reach this.
From KabTV’s “The Study of the Ten Sefirot (TES)” 10/30/22

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Ein Sof (Infinity)—The Attitude Of The Creator To The Created Beings
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