Listen to What the Kabbalists Say!

269If people know the plan of nature, they understand that humanity must come to similarity with nature, which is reached by absolute, mutual complementation, not egoistically, but above-egoistic. We need to come to this. We cannot escape from this. But with a limited egoistic view of the world, the problem cannot be solved.

For years, elites have been implementing policies on annulling the institution of marriage, elevating all kinds of unnatural relationships (homosexual and others), and this is their business. But listen to what we Kabbalists say, what Kabbalah says.

The problem must be solved in a global form because if you do not go in accordance with nature, you will not succeed. You will not be able to simply reduce the number of people on the planet to two or even half a billion, which is considered optimal in order not to disturb the ecological balance of the Earth.

Even this will not work, although it seems to be reasonable. I understand you. If I did not have knowledge of the upper law of nature, its implementation, scheme, and structure, I would be with you.

But your plans will not come true. You will encounter obstacles in your plans that will lead to great problems because you are going against the law of nature.

Reduction in the population will occur not due to a decrease in the inhabitants of the planet but because you are going the wrong way, not uniting people, not turning them into one whole as a harmonious, single integral nature.

This is what I would like to say to the elites and to people in general. That is, I do not see anything wrong with what is being done, but this is all irrational. Here there are laws of nature, which still need to be taken into account.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Destruction of the World’s Population” 9/7/13

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