Jews Suffer According to the Law

400Comment: The US is holding midterm elections. Right away a lot of anti–Semitic leaflets appeared, stating that Jews are the reason for coronavirus, abortions, and inflation. They mention the names of Jewish officials in the presidential administration and heads of media companies.

This happens in the places where many Jews live: New Jersey, New York, California, and Florida, in many states. They talk a lot about Jews and not just talk about, but brand them. They give a lot of figures. The number of these phenomena has increased 3 to 4 times there.

This occurs mostly whenever something happens and Jews are immediately blamed. How much longer will this go on?

My Response: Until the Jews begin to correct this matter, until they realize that they are really to blame. This is already established in the structure of the world, in the structure of the universe. Galaxy wide!

Question: Does it mean that even nature demands that we would understand that we are to blame for everything?

Answer: So that we would correct ourselves! Then everything will be corrected, and there will be no such reaction.

Question: Are we the most egoistic or what is wrong with us? Why were we chosen?

Answer: Why we were chosen is not our business. We were chosen and that is it! Nature chose it that way. It took a small fraction of humanity and appointed it.

Question: “You will be responsible for everything,” right?

Answer: Absolutely for everything! If you are connected with each other, love, respect, and support each other, show an example to everyone else, to the nations of the world, and to humanity, and they will begin to correct themselves and come closer to each other following you, then everything will be fine. If not, then all of humanity will be against you. As humanity progresses further and further, to this extent it will progress in hatred in relation to you.

Question: So you say: There is such a law. Just as there is the law of gravity, laws of physics, there is such a law of nature: Until a Jew begins to change in relation to love for each other, in connection with each other, the world will hate him, and will drive him to this connection all the time.

Answer: Yes.

Question: The entire history of the Jews, in principle, is the history of suffering, continuous catastrophes until the last Holocaust. And you say: “Everything is just according to this law.” Is it really just because of that?

Answer: Just because of that. For the fact that they do not love each other, do not respect each other, and do not come close to each other. Moreover, when we look at other nations, we ask: Why are we worse than them?!

No. Such an internal, close connection is not required of them, but it is required of us.

Question: Will they also begin to come closer to each other as a result of our connection?

Answer: They will also begin to come closer to each other and to us. Then all of humanity will turn into one common whole.

Question: Can we say when we will deduce this law ourselves?

Answer: We cannot deduce this law ourselves, our egoism will not let us.

Question: Do you mean that we will be able to come to this conclusion only as a result of blows?

Answer: Yes. We already hold on to each other a little bit because we are afraid to be left alone against the hatred of the nations of the world.

Question: Which, as you say, is justified?

Answer: Yes.

Comment: But we had strong blows!

My Response: It does not matter, we do not know whether they were strong or weak. We do not know what to compare them with.

We know only one thing: that the Torah says so. The wisdom of Kabbalah explains this to us absolutely clearly. Do you want to be like other nations? It will not work! You should aim for connection between each other, for love between each other. Only then will you see that this is your salvation, up to the point that you will show other nations the correct connection between everyone and lead all nations to unification.

Question: Tell me, is it possible to destroy these Jewish people?

Answer: In no way. This is not a solution.

Question: Tell me, what is the solution on the part of the Jews and the solution on the part of the nations of the world?

Answer: On the part of the Jews: They do not see any solution at all, except that the nations of the world will change their attitude toward them by themselves. On the part of the nations of the world: Of course, it would be nice to destroy the Jews, but somehow it does not work out.

Question: Are you saying this ironically?

Answer: Yes. They even seem to say that it does not work out because God loves them, although He punishes them.

Question: What should be the conclusion from the nations of the world? “We have to bring them to this. We have to force them somehow.”

Answer: The nations of the world cannot realize that it is they who should force the Jews to come closer to each other. They are very far from this in order to direct the Jews toward coming closer to each other. Although, it would be, of course, salvation.

The conclusion is very simple: until the Jews, the people of Israel, in all their modifications and metamorphoses, understand that they must be together and reach unity in love with each other, until then nothing in the world will change. There will be ascents, descents, and various wars, no matter what. But, in principle, the world will not come to good in any way.

Question: Is there just one solution?

Answer: Yes, just one.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 8/25/22

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