How to Take an Example from the Creator

228Question: In our world, if I want to take an example from someone, then I see him in front of me and take an example.

Those who have attained the Creator write that the qualities of the Creator are bestowal and love. But I cannot look at Him and take an example. Why is this concealed?

Answer: This is not concealed; you just do not have these qualities. This is why you conceal the Creator from yourself.

Question: It is written: “From Your actions I will know You.” But where can I see His actions?

Answer: You cannot see the actions of the Creator because you do not have these qualities. This is done on purpose so that you can reveal them from the opposite as we always say: the difference between darkness and light, sweet and sour, and so on. That is, in the opposition of qualities we attain Him.

Comment: You still have to somehow believe that this is so.

My Response: Not believe, but understand it logically. If the Creator wants us to reveal Him, He is obliged to create qualities in us that are initially opposite to Him.

Comment: Yes, this is logical and understandable. It is just really difficult that there is no example.

My Response: This is a completely different matter. There are examples, but in the form that, as Kabbalah explains,  we must begin to change. Then we will attain and reveal examples.
From KabTV’s “The Study of the Ten Sefirot (TES)” 10/16/22

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