How to Solve Problems?

232.01Comment: When we have problems, you recommend contacting a specialist, such as a lawyer and so on.

My Response: Yes, on the corporeal level we must use the tools of our world and at the same time make spiritual corrections.

Therefore, if someone attacks me, and I have some legal opportunity to oppose him, then I definitely do it through a lawyer. This is how it will be in the future as well. This is work at the level of our world.

Comment: But there are countries where problems are solved in a completely different way, not by legal methods, but by force.

My Response: If these are legal forceful methods, then yes, and if they are not the legal ones, then no. If we scare people, then this is no longer a correction.

Question: Why is this correction if we act through lawyers?

Answer: Because through lawyers, you teach a person to bite his tongue, treat others differently, and force him to understand his mistakes.

At least, this is how we should act and not have a physical clash. We cannot afford it, this is not the spirit of our organization.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. How to Solve Problems?” 9/18/13

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