Exalting Efforts

528.01Question: As a rule, when a newcomer comes to us, he is, as it were, elevated in his own eyes. Let’s say he was an ordinary janitor, and here he is exalted in such a way that he begins to inflate like a balloon. And then they let him go, and he either deflates or something else. Why does the system work like this?

Answer: To rub his egoism a little. He is “beaten up” so that he begins to take spiritual things seriously and neglect material ones. But it may take years until the whole procedure is completed and he begins to perceive himself correctly in relation to the spiritual world.

Comment: But the condition I mentioned is obtained naturally. For example, a guest comes from somewhere, and he just gets lost, and doesn’t know what to do.

My Response: In fact, by exalting a friend, we do not lie to ourselves or others and do not engage in sycophancy. It is just that we are really pleased that we see our friend who lives very far away and is connected with us.

Question: In this case, how can we protect the human psyche?

Answer: If he is constantly engaged with us, he sees how we treat each other, that we do not welcome him personally, but his contribution, work, and participation, that is, his efforts.

A well-organized group correctly introduces a person into the system.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The Greatest Man in the World” 10/12/13

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