A Rotten Apple on the Tree of Knowledge

228Nowadays the world is undergoing radical changes that are turning it from the world of the 20th century, which already is in the past, into the world  of the 21st century, a new era, with a new structure. We are yet to see where history leads us and what kind of development process humanity is going through.

It seems to us that global world events are not really influencing a person’s individual life, but it will gradually become clear that these changes are increasingly affecting each of us individually. Eventually everyone will come to the end of correction and to the correct form. But at the moment we do not know what that form will be or how everyone will be able to complete each other. We ourselves need to change in order to see everyone as ready for correction.

Our duty is to help everyone in the world develop in a good way, similar to the way we help a fruit-bearing tree grow by fertilizing it and protecting it from pests. Wars are the incorrect way because we are not completing each other, and therefore we only prolong and multiply our suffering.

The forces of nature are trying to grow the fruit to be healthy and ripe, and war kills people and interrupts the development of their souls. We need to help all people understand the program and purpose of creation, and how to achieve it in the fastest and most positive way.

Unfortunately, humanity has not learned from the lessons of the past, from the experience of the First and Second World Wars, but rather, it is pulling itself into the same whirlpool, only even more cruelly and tragically, into nuclear war.

The entire world looks like a rotting apple. The Creator planted a Garden of Eden inside which the tree of knowledge grows. The apple on this tree is rotting more and more, but what do we do?

The people sitting under this tree want to correct this state because they see that it is impossible to continue like this. If we do not start making corrections, then these corrections will come from nature, that is, from the Creator, and force us to gradually change.

Therefore it seems to us that our world is getting worse and worse every day in order to awaken us to correction. It is already pressing on us with such force that it is really time to think about what to do. The wisdom of Kabbalah explains that everything depends on us, on our correct actions that lead to connection. After all, by this connection we revive all of reality.

All evil is within a person’s egoism, in his desire to be filled for the sake of his own pleasure. Egoism receives pleasure even from doing bad things to others. This person must be brought to the form of bestowal so that he enjoys only things that benefit the other. If everyone bestows on everyone and everyone takes care of everyone, then no one will feel any evil.

Imagine a closed, perfect system where each element is connected with the others in order to provide everyone with the force of life that comes through him, and in order to pass along the upper light. The correct, corrected system operates in a perfect form where each part of it is engaged in passing the upper force that comes through him to others, to neighboring elements, and transfers vital energy to them. And each and every one acts in this way, which brings pleasure to everyone.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/1/22, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Peace in the World”

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