A Quick Way To Feel Spirituality

947Question: You said that there is nothing easier than to actually reveal the Creator. Is this the simplest thing we can do?

Answer: Sure. You just have to connect with others, with a small number of people, reach a state where you all get out of yourself, rise above your “I,” and enter into a joint “we.” In this “we” you will feel the Creator.

Question: The formula is clear. But if everything is so simple, why do you need to make so many attempts? Why are there such ordeals and difficulties?

Answer: Because there is no system. People want to penetrate the spiritual realm egoistically: “Let’s unite like revolutionary sailors.” It turns out that we imagine an egoistic connection, not in order for everyone to rise up for a mutual united bestowal. After all, our connection is intended only to help each other get out of ourselves.

Question: How can you do it quickly?

Answer: By working for others. We unite in order to help ourselves and others get out of our nature, out of our egoism.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. A Quick Way to Feel the Spiritual” 8/30/13

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