Symbiosis of the Right and Left Lines

562.02Question: You said that not everyone has the left line. What is the advantage of having or not having it?

Answer: In principle, everyone has a soul consisting of two parts: the quality of bestowal (right line) and the quality of reception (left line). However, it can be that there is no third line in its explicit form. The third line aligns both lines, i.e., two opposite qualities in a person and gives the result. It builds out of it the image of “human” person.

There are souls in which this is clearly expressed and there are souls in which this is not. Just like the organs in our body there are more important ones and less important ones. There are some that develop in utero in a certain order faster than others, and there are those that even seem to appear like some kind of tail or other rudimentary organs. That is, a person in his intrauterine development simultaneously undergoes an internal development.

Thus, when organs develop in a person, each of them is important in itself. Although there are more important and less important ones, in the end they are one system.

There are no more important or less important things in the spiritual world because from the point of view of similarity to the Creator if you lack some cell in your body, it means that you are not similar to Him. According to this rule, there are no insignificant things in spirituality because spirituality is perfection. If a point is missing, then this is already imperfection.

Therefore, we must understand the importance of every person in the world. Each thing in the universe has its own clear purpose and it is forbidden to destroy it. Everything that is given by nature must exist.

Comment: You said that the Creator is the right line and that the middle line does not exist.

My Response: Yes, but when the quality of bestowal has to be adapted within us, it cannot be received only in the right line. Where is the quality of reception?

The right line is only the quality of bestowal, so the left line is necessary. The left one is only reception; it can only be the opposite of the Creator. Then the middle line arises, which—on the basis of this symbiosis, this connection, the mutual penetration of two lines into each other during shattering, during correction, and during mutual integration with each other—begins to work.

Question: Does it mean that striving is important, without leaving the left line one should strive toward the right one?

Answer: Yes. If you take the left line and go with it to the right one, you get the middle line.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call, Left Line“ 4/25/13

Related Material:
Right And Left Lines
In Harmony Between Two Lines
The Mechanics Of Ascension

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