“Why Aren’t You Building the Third Temple?”

448.10Today we see how quickly everything is changing. We are trying to tell people about the world they are entering, the kind of world that is descending upon us, that it is completely new and has never existed throughout the history of mankind.

The network descending upon us is the clear governance of the Creator. But when it comes into contact with people, it conflicts with us because we are its absolute opposite. Moreover, we are its opposite in all possible n-dimensional connections.

Therefore, we find ourselves at a loss.

Question: If the people of Israel fulfill their mission, will the attitude of other nations change toward them?

Answer: The world subconsciously pays attention to this nation. As soon as the Jews begin to change, the whole world will be watching what is happening. You will feel it yourself. Nothing else is needed. But try to make these people do anything! This is a huge problem!

Nevertheless, if the Jews start to change for the better, and openly declare: “We are doing this to set an example for everyone,” people will see that it is for their benefit, everyone will see that they are doing what is required. They will finally understand!

In 1993, while traveling in America, I met a German man in the small town of Jackson in the northern United States who was also traveling with his wife. He was in his fifties. You could tell he was a blue-collar worker, with his rough hands, and far from a refined intellectual.

We talked for a while, and when he found out that I was from Israel and an expert on Kabbalah, he asked: “Tell me, why aren’t you building a Third Temple?”

A German, a simple worker, whom I met by chance in America!

“Why aren’t you building a Third Temple?”

That is, you live in Israel, you study Kabbalah, you are a Jew and all. To hear this from such a person! I didn’t even know what to say to him and answered only one thing: “The Third Temple should be in the heart. The Third Temple is unity.” He understood me. So I added: “But no one wants it, no one is pushing for it.”

It’s quite interesting: people have some kind of inner need, some kind of feeling. If only you start showing the world that we are transforming it, that we must do it—let’s do it together, let them join us, and get closer, then people will understand.

They cannot naturally have internal resistance to this, because everything is done by the Creator, you only strengthen His influence in the same direction rather than the opposite.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. World Against the Jews“ 4/22/13

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