A House on Posts

934Unless the Lord builds a house, its builders labor in it in vain.

The Creator must build the structure of our soul, not us by ourselves. So how can we enter this house built by the Creator? On what foundation does it stand?

The entire foundation of this house is my ten. This is as if I am digging holes in the ground and pouring piers into them that I will use to support the house I will build. This foundation is inside my egoistic desire; I dig holes in it and lay foundation piers in them. Or the house will not stand.

I have to strengthen this foundation, go deep into the ground, and cast the sole of the foundation on which I will install concrete piers. When I erect as many posts as required according to calculation, I will already be able to build walls between them, floor coverings, and so on. This is our work both in spiritual and corporeal construction. The same principles apply in all worlds.

Each pier the building stands on is our connection. We must connect through all possible kinds of connections: the first time according to the qualities of a friend, the second time according to the qualities of another, the third time according to the qualities of a third one. This is how we build a building that has ten main Sefirot.

Then, inside this frame, we begin to build floors and lay floor coverings between the posts. This is already through a simple connection between us on the same level when each completes the other by annulling himself in order to be connected.

There are many details in this, which due to the reflection of spiritual roots are also present in our corporeal world. Mainly, connection happens through different forms of our mutual self-annulment.

To build a connection between us means to build the Temple, the building of our soul. We try to build this connection and see that we are not able to do it, starting all over again every time from a new rejection and despair. Then we realize that we are lacking the force of the Creator to hold us to support the building.

We connect with one another, but the Creator must hold this connection. Then we add one more, then another one, and the Creator holds it all. We need Him as the force that holds us together when we try to get closer to each other.

We need the Creator as the basis of our work, we need Him to organize it, to preserve the successes we have achieved, and to correct our mistakes. We need Him every step of the way. We put our desire in, and the Creator corrects it, joins one to the other, and holds it together.

It is impossible to do anything without the help of the Creator, and without the work of the Creator, nothing will be built in the correct form.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/30/22, “Unless the Lord builds a house, its builders labor in it in vain”

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