Revelation Of The Creator Through Unity

528.02It is impossible to receive the influence of the society if he is not attached to the society, meaning if he does not appreciate them. To the extent that he does, he can receive from them the influence without any work, simply by adhering to the society (Rabash, “The Severity of Teaching Idol Worshippers the Torah”).

Our work is not hard at all. You just need to connect with the group and everything else will come through our association. The revelation of the Creator will come from above. We don’t expect anything else. By uniting with each other we will reveal the Creator and thus reach the goal.

We see that the Creator does not leave us alone; He wants us to rise in our properties above ourselves as egoists and at least stop appreciating the state of egoism we currently exist in. I really hope that we will understand this and somehow start pulling ourselves out of the ego.

And then everything depends only on us. If everyone prays and asks the Creator to lower us in relation to the group and lift the group up, then through the ascending group we will be able to see the Creator who stands behind it.
From the International Convention “Rising Above Ourselves” 1/7/22, “Adhering to the Friends” Lesson 3

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