Develop The Spirit Of Unity

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: In a workshop we aspire to a state of unity so much that we begin to feel everyone’s agreement to attain this. But if there is no feeling like this, is it worthwhile to continue until we get it?

Answer: It gradually appears in a group of friends who are connected with each other by a great many external conditions. And if they work on themselves regularly, with a shared connection, obligating themselves to speak about and discuss everything, then a measure (indication) appears with them that shows if they have coordinated between them enough that they already feel this unity and how to hold onto it.

And if someone leaves this state even a little, he immediately feels it; an inner feeling appears within him that he has “fallen outside” somewhere, and he must re-enter and communicate with the friends constantly.

The spirit of unity depends upon each one of us. So discuss these states, hold onto the more vulnerable friends among you; try to develop them in some way, to “inject” this spirit in everyone else through your thoughts and behavior. You must do this!

We see that not all of the people during the exodus from Egypt were capable of anything, only the priests (Cohanim) and the Levites, one small part of the people, a group. What does a “people” mean? It is a group in which there are not many who are ready to go forward after the teacher and to show itself as an example of the realization of this idea.

So we work together on all the rest and on the whole world.
From the Convention In St. Petersburg 9/18/14, Preparatory Lesson 1

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