No Reason At All To Be Offended

960.2Question: Many people write to us that they lead their life feeling offended for different reasons. There are people who cannot forgive their parents for having destroyed their marriage. Teachers are offended by ungrateful students. Parents do not forgive their children who have abandoned them.

According to some psychologists, everything falls into specific categories, and they explain three major reasons for feeling insulted and the implications of this feeling. They say that if you are a clever person, you can control this feeling, and they explain how you can do so. What is your attitude regarding the feeling of being insulted?

Answer: I am never offended by anyone because I know human nature, and the better I know human nature, the better I know that there is no one to be offended by. Kabbalists say that if you are offended by someone, “Go and tell the craftsman who made me,” go to the Creator who has made me the way I am.

Question: Is this a serious attitude?

Answer: It is not about whether it is serious or not—it is the truth. Where can a person’s thoughts, feelings, attributes, or actions come from? There is nothing in him that is his. He is simply totally enclosed in what nature does with him, which means the Creator.

Question: This is a sublime state. If we go back to an ordinary earthly person, then, for example, parents whose children do not help and have abandoned them or someone who has betrayed his friend, how can one work with such emotions? You said that if you understand human nature, it is possible not to be offended at all.

Answer: True. That is what you should do and then you are truly a human being. You are totally on the side of the other person.

Question: Of the person who has hurt you?

Answer: Of the one who has hurt you. I am not talking just about being hurt. I believe that we need to reach such a level in our development at which you begin to understand that all other people around you are like puppets on a string and that the Creator controls them so that you will correct yourself in relation to them and be able to justify them and wish them all the best.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 11/29/21

Related Material:
Do Not Hurt A Friend
New Life 325 – Forgiveness
What Is Pain?

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