We Do Not Have To—We Can

962.2Question: Every morning we get up and say: “We have to get up early for work. We have to make another business call. We have to exercise. We have to write an article. We have to go to our son’s game.” And by replacing only two words in these sentences, we can change the general approach to life. You do not “have to”—”you can.”

You can get up early for work. You can make another call. You can prepare dinner for the whole family. And the perception of life, the perception of everything that happens in it, changes.

What is the advantage and what is the distinction between the two attitudes: “has to” or “can”?

Answer: It depends on one’s perception of the world. I either want absolute peace and agree, like Oblomov, to lie in bed all the time, I have everything, I do not want anything, I will wait for the day I die. So what?

Or I feel that this life is worthy of being able to fix something in it, achieve something else, become different. And then I rejoice at the opportunity before me. It depends on what kind of attitude you have to life: creative or consumeristic.

Question: Does the consumer attitude lead a person to the point of “I have to” or “I can”?

Answer: I want and that is it. I want to use everyone and everything—this is the consumer attitude to life. And the opposite is to use this life to rise to its next level.

Question: Life means that there is always an opportunity to use every state?

Answer: There is always an opportunity in life. Always look for an opportunity and seize it.

Question: Then I have a few questions and please comment on them.

The biggest obstacle is fear. Is it true?

Answer: Uncertainty and fear immobilize a person, closes and “cans” him, that is, deprive him of the opportunity to act.

Comment: The biggest mistake is to lose heart.

My Response: This is also true. “The biggest,” I don’t know. But it is a big mistake. The biggest one is to disconnect from the Creator.

Question: So you still need to be connected to Him?

Answer: And without connection to the Creator where will the forces come from? Where will the direction come from? Where will the appeal to the one who corrects and does everything come from? I am not doing all this. I simply must turn right to Him for Him to do everything.

Comment: The most dangerous person is a liar.

My Response: Yes. But I do not listen to them so I do not think they are dangerous people. If only someone really asks for help, spiritual help—to find a goal in life, strength to realize this goal—then I hear, but otherwise, no. Therefore, no one can seduce me.

Question: Who, then, is the most dangerous person?

Answer: For man, the most dangerous person is himself. Who can harm him except himself? No one.

Question: And how can he harm?

Answer: By the fact that he listens to himself, to his egoism. Trusting his beloved self.

Question: Who needs to be trusted?

Answer: The teacher or the Creator. This is, in principle, the same thing.

Comment: The most insidious feeling is envy.

My Response: This is the most wonderful feeling if a person can correctly implement it. There is nothing better than envy! There is nothing more, generally, there is nothing better than envy to move forward.

Question: Can you give an exercise on how to use envy correctly?

Answer: You must first find a goal, and then envy everything that leads to this goal.

Comment: The most beautiful act is to forgive.

My Response: The most beautiful act—it is not to forgive. The most beautiful act is to direct a person to the truth.

You do not have to forgive anything. The Creator forgives nothing! There is judgment, continuous judgment. And thanks to the fact that nothing is forgiven, we understand where we are wrong, and we can correct ourselves.

Question: And in relations between people, should a person judge himself or others?

Answer: Why should I judge someone, or myself, or others? I judge the Creator, I always go to Him, and so I check everything with Him. This is called “I judge Him.” Then there is no offense, no reason for forgiveness. Everything is checked only in relation to the goal.

Comment: The best protection is a smile.

My Response: I do not think so. It seems to me that a smile, to the contrary, can be perceived as mockery, disdain, and condescension.

It is best to show a person that you do not consider him at all, that you are directed only at your goal, and he has nothing to do with it. And therefore, you don’t treat him well or badly, but you relate to him to the extent that you can show him what is worth paying attention to in life.

Comment: The most powerful force is faith.

My Response: By faith I understand something completely different from what ordinary people understand, and therefore I believe that there is no greater error in life than faith. There is nothing more harmful in life than a person who believes.

Faith in Kabbalah is the ability to be above your egoistic principles and just give everything. The power of bestowal is the power of faith in a person. That is, it is an active force that helps a person to rise above his egoistic nature: the property of Bina over the property of Malchut. Only in this way.

Otherwise, faith is I closed my eyes and left.

Comment: The best support is hope.

My Response: No. We cannot hope. There should be hope only to the extent that I grant myself correct advancement.

In Kabbalah, the surrounding light is called hope. It has not yet entered you, but it already shines on you because you are correctly directed toward the goal. That is, hope is a very serious advancement. Measured! Everything is deterministic

Comment: The best gift is love

My Response: The best gift is love. Yes! But by love we mean absolute merging with other desires in the general fulfillment by the Creator.

Comment: A person strives all his life for love, for hope, for support.

My Response: This is from weakness, from ignorance, inability, and the fact that he is just a lazy person. The whole culture of being positive refers to weakness, laziness, and slovenliness.

Comment: Therefore, some researchers advise against the urge to strive to be happy.

My Response: No, you really need to be happy. You just need to find out what kind of state it is to be happy. What is absolute happiness? Merging with the higher force because it is absolute.

Question: And then what does the person receive?

Answer: He receives the same state the higher force is in. His benefit is that he becomes equal to the Creator. There is no state more perfect.

Question: How does this distinguish him from an ordinary person?

Answer: An ordinary person is a small egoistic animal looking all the time for a warm corner. And a person who achieves merging with the Creator does not need to look for this warm corner, he is already in it, truly in the most comfortable state.

Question: And at the same time, people are striving for the positive, striving for absolute happiness that they cannot grasp. When faced with troubles, with strong grief, illness, or tragic situations, they keep silent about them. Is this a correct attitude?

Answer: No, by no means. A person must react very vividly to any manifestations in his life of bad and good traits, qualities, forces, and phenomena in order to format himself according to the highest state. Otherwise, he will miss his whole life.

Question: And if something tragic happens in a person’s life, how can he use this state?

Answer: Measure this tragic component in his life with respect to the absolute: is it de facto tragic, or maybe they want to bring him closer to the truth with a very strong influence.

Question: And what does a person need to do?

Answer: He goes to clearly find out the purpose, the truth, the central state of the world.

Question: Accepting the negative in order to direct everything toward the goal, is this a skill that can be learned?

Answer: To do this, you need to be in school, in the study of Kabbalah. To do this, you need to be in a certain state, in a certain atmosphere, encircled, and then it will work out.

Comment: Researchers say older people learn to accept negative things more easily to push them toward goals than younger people.

My Response: Naturally, this comes from life experience. But, in principle, this has nothing to do with Kabbalah.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 12/17/19

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