Joy Is A Necessary Condition

288.1It is written in The Book of Zohar “There is no service of the Creator unless out of joy.” This is a necessary condition. After all, how can we not be in joy? First of all we should rejoice that the Creator awakened each of us, chose us from many thousands of people and wants to bring us closer to Him.

This should bring us joy, and this joy is not an egoistic one because we have received an invitation to come closer to the Creator in order to bring all of humanity to Him and rejoice together in the revelation of the Creator.

It is said that there is a hero in quantity and a hero in quality. Even if the souls of our contemporaries are not as high as those of the great Kabbalists of the past who were strong in their quality, we are strong in quantity.

Therefore we need to expand our circle more and more and multiply our ranks. Then a small effort made by each one, in total will be enough to reveal the Creator to all. Then there will be no place for sadness; joy will fill everything because the Creator is revealed in joy.

If a person cries and complains, he is opposite to the goal. After all, a correct, corrected state implies that a person is in joy, regardless of what he receives. If he understands that he is in connection with the Creator, and this is what the Creator gives him, then he must be in joy.

If I make efforts to always be in joy from the fact that I have connection with my friends and with the Creator, then from this joy I can begin to reveal the Creator. Nothing else is required because this already means that I am awakening and rising above my egoism.

If I justify the Creator with joy, thereby showing that He is close and important to me, and friends are the place where the Creator will be revealed, then I am already correcting my Kli. In this case we will certainly reach the revelation of the Creator. Everything depends only on our connection. The main thing is not to forget that Shechina (Divinity), which is the revelation of the Creator, is present only in joy.
From KabTV’s “A Talk at the Global Meal” 11/7/21

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