Why Are Nations Of The World Drawn To Kabbalah?

214Question: Why are nations of the world, who do not belong to Jewry by Halakha, drawn to the Kabbalistic method, and Jews are ready to do anything but Kabbalah?

Answer: First of all, nations of the world feel that there is something special, concealed, I would say fundamental, in Kabbalah.

In principle, all religions, beliefs, everything that a person can imagine about spirituality originated from it. “What is there outside of our world, outside of material life, those short years that we exist, outside of this small globe on the surface of which we are spinning like little bugs? Is there something in other dimensions, in other spaces, in other sections?”

These questions concern everyone. And practically all answers are tied to Kabbalah. Therefore, people are of other beliefs or religions do not get answers there, but they must believe and follow some traditions. No more than that.

And Kabbalah not only explains this to a person, but it takes him and raises him to a level at which he begins to see and feel a new dimension, exist above time, space, and movement, above what is our universe, our world.

Naturally, Kabbalah is becoming in demand especially in our time when as a result of the development of mankind we have come to a more or less mature state and we understand that our world ends there. And then what? The science of Kabbalah answers exactly this question.
From KabTV’s “Close-Up. Expulsion” 12/11/09

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