Is Israel Facing A Military Coup?

293Question: We have already been through four elections in Israel. Do you think there can be a government with different parties from different directions? They are already voicing slogans: “From Me to We.” That is, they will sort of try to annul themselves in order to come to a common decision. How will the system still work?

Answer: It will not work. There is no foundation for the system to work. In general, there is no foundation for Jews to get together and manage something together amicably. There is great egoism and a complete misunderstanding of the fact that egoism must somehow be controlled, suppressed, and not always rise above each other.

Everything will be as it was before, only the government will change with even greater frequency. People will no longer pay attention to who is there and who is not. You will wake up in the morning and find out: “Oh, we have a new government!”

Question: Will even this thought: “What if something changes? Maybe something will change after all?” disappear?

Answer: I do not know. We will reach a state when there will be military coups again, generals will seize power with the help of troops. And on our borders, our dear neighbors will wait anticipating victory.

Comment: Then build a perfect picture of how it should work.

My Response: The recognition of evil exists somewhere in the people: We cannot be together, we are like this. We are the most egoistic ones, the most so and so. On the one hand. But on the other hand, they do not want to admit it. Many, the masses, are ready to turn a blind eye to this.

Of course, there is also religion, which helps to suppress these thoughts, it talks about the chosen people, and so on. I do not know. I personally do not have any prescriptions for the future. You know my prescription, but no “pharmacy” will accept it. They cannot even read it!

Comment: That is, you only have one prescription—unity of the people.

My Response: The gradual education of the people toward unity, as a necessary, the only necessary, condition!

Question: Then what kind of government should there be, that they would agree to and bet only on it?

Answer: Only Kabbalists. The ones who would gather people and identify among these people the ones that are essential, necessary, able to take part in governing the country and the society.

Question: What about governing the country: is the entire foundation still only the unity of the people? Are all the laws made only on this basis, and all of life only on this basis?

Answer: Absolutely! I am building you a perfect picture! You think it cannot be real. Is it perfect? Yes, it is perfect. However, in these conditions and with these people, and in the state in which society is today, this cannot happen yet.

Question: What will we come to?

Answer: To the fact that there will be a big massacre. Has that not happened in our history? Such fratricidal wars that we do not need enemies, we will kill each other ourselves.

Comment: It mainly happened in the time of the Temples.

My Response: It does not matter. We can come to this. I do not believe in a good near future. As much as I can see how things are unfolding. I do not know.

We are nevertheless trying to do everything we can and to explain everything. But speaking seriously, soberly, people laugh at what we say. And this laughter causes great disappointment, fear, and sorrow. Because this is how people laugh when they really feel bad. This is how the gladiators used to shout: “Those who are about to die salute you.”

Question: What do you expect when you say all this? Let’s say it goes on the air.

Answer: It has to go on the air.

Question: To make them flinch? Is that what you expect?

Answer: I do not know. Let them curse me, let them do what they want. It does not matter to me at all.

They should just know that this is the opinion of a Kabbalist. I just want them to understand. Or if they do not understand, I want it to remain somewhere within them, and in some future, they might remember it. So that it would stop them somehow, alert them, and so on.

I want to help.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 6/7/21

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