The Mystery Of The Unification Of The Masculine And Feminine, Part 16


Question: Why in many cultures and religions does a woman rank lower than a man?

Answer: It is because all cultures and religions are egoistic and since the male part is similar to the Creator and the female part is similar to the creature, so the woman is supposedly in a lower rank.

Comment: I suppose that in some areas women have more of a prerogative than men. For example, during pregnancy, only the woman becomes the “mistress of the house” of the fetus and can decide from her own freewill whether to have an abortion or not, without asking the man.

My Response: We are not talking about prerogatives that nature has determined for us. Whether a man or a woman, we do what we want with our body; this has no pertinence to us.

Question: What are the left and right reins in spiritual work and what is the whip if I want to control and manage my “horse,” the ego?

Answer: There are many components here in the cart, in the wagon, in the person and in the reins. This is a complete system that is called a spiritual Partzuf. This entire system is actually a metaphor for the soul, and we will learn about it.

Question: How should a man support a woman in a relationship, and vice versa, how can a woman support a man?

Answer: It is simply up to them to understand each other and to try to give the other the opportunity to learn and support him or her. I would not want to talk about more than that, otherwise you will ruin everything. You might begin by helping each other in such a way that nothing will be left of your group, it will seem to you that this is so simple. The wisdom of Kabbalah exerts such enormous forces among us that you simply have to be careful! In no way should you make definitive movements.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah” 3/3/19

Related Material:
The Mystery Of The Unification Of The Masculine And Feminine, Part 15
The Mystery Of The Unification Of The Masculine And Feminine, Part 14
The Mystery Of The Unification Of The Masculine And Feminine, Part 13

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