“What Did God Mean When He Wrote In The Torah That He Made Man In His Own Image?” (Quora)

Dr. Michael LaitmanMichael Laitman, On Quora: What did God mean when he wrote in the Torah that he made man in his own image?

The Creator’s quality is called “light,” and it is a purely altruistic force. This light imprinted itself in the desire to receive, which is the quality of the creation, and it made an identical desire that wants to receive all of the light. The light then disclosed its giving essence to the desire that wants to receive all of the light, which thus revealed the opposite giving nature to the desire to receive. This forced the desire to resemble the light by becoming as altruistic as the light.

We undergo this process either involuntarily or voluntarily. Also, our involuntary involvement in the process takes place until we receive a desire to participate voluntarily. In other words, we involuntarily go through several situations until we discover the wisdom of Kabbalah, which is a method of resembling the light and discovering the Creator, and then using this method, we voluntarily attain such resemblance.

Once we start voluntarily realizing our resemblance to the Creator, we then take control of ourselves and the world we live in. Moreover, we will all reach this state, either through pains or through understanding its necessity, and then implementing it enjoyably, lovingly and with far less pains than if we were to continue involuntarily.

Written/edited by students of Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman.

“Force, Matter, Do They Really Exist?” (Linkedin)

My new article on Linkedin “Force, Matter, Do They Really Exist?

The other day, I had an interesting conversation with physicist Dr. Meir Shimon. He said that while it’s been known for a long time that matter consists of particles, such as electrons, protons, and neutrons, until the development of quantum theory, it was not known that forces, too, come and bits, called “quanta” (pl. for quantum). When I asked how can something not be divided into bits, Dr. Shimon replied that physics is an empirical science, and there was no empirical evidence that forces, too, come in quanta.

While science deals with what we perceive, Kabbalah deals first of all with why we perceive what we perceive, how we can change the way we perceive, and then talks about what we perceive if we change our qualities, our senses. At the very root of reality, the wisdom of Kabbalah has found that there are no forces, but rather dispositions, tendencies. Here, too, they are opposite: a tendency to give, and a tendency to receive, simply, egoism and altruism. When these opposites interact, they manifest as intermittent giving and receiving, which is why everything we see seems intermittently present and absent, light or dark, warm or cold, and so forth.

The conversation was very interesting, but it also highlighted the limitations of science. Science, as Dr. Shimon stressed later in the conversation, deals with revealing laws, but never asks about the reason for the existence of the laws.

Precisely here is where the wisdom of Kabbalah fills the void. Kabbalah deals not only with how things happen, but first and foremost with why they happen. For this reason, Kabbalah sees very clearly why energy comes in quanta, and it has to do not with the light, the force, but with our perception of it.

Kabbalah explains that we cannot perceive anything unless it stands out on a background that’s markedly different from it. We cannot perceive something if it’s always there, unchanging. Therefore, to detect the existence of anything, we must also detect its opposite, or at least changes in the presence of the thing detected. Whenever something manifests, it does so on the backdrop of its opposite. This is why everything in our perceived universe is divided into quanta, bits, levels.

The wisdom of Kabbalah opens up to us the forces that set in motion everything that we perceive with our physical senses. While science deals with what we perceive, Kabbalah deals first of all with why we perceive what we perceive, how we can change the way we perceive, and then talks about what we perceive if we change our qualities, our senses. At the very root of reality, the wisdom of Kabbalah has found that there are no forces, but rather dispositions, tendencies. Here, too, they are opposite: a tendency to give, and a tendency to receive, simply, egoism and altruism. When these opposites interact, they manifest as intermittent giving and receiving, which is why everything we see seems intermittently present and absent, light or dark, warm or cold, and so forth.

In truth, however, there is none of that. All that exists are the two dispositions that create forces, matter, and everything that happens between them.

“Why It Is Suddenly “Open Season” On Israel” (Linkedin)

My new article on Linkedin “Why It Is Suddenly “Open Season” on Israel

This week Human Rights Watch (HRW), an international non-governmental organization, headquartered in New York City, was “the latest watchdog to accuse Israel of perpetuating a version of the racist legal system that once governed South Africa,” according to The New York Times. The HRW 213 page report, “A Threshold Crossed: Israeli Authorities and the Crimes of Apartheid and Persecution,” claims to present “the present-day reality of a single authority, the Israeli government, ruling primarily over the area between the Jordan River and Mediterranean Sea, populated by two groups of roughly equal size, and methodologically privileging Jewish Israelis while repressing Palestinians, most severely in the occupied territory.”

We need to understand that the world wants to get rid of the Jewish state. Therefore, the hiatus we were given while Trump was in office was only a temporary pause. This pause has ended, and the world will use every pretext to portray the Jewish state as evil.

The position of HRW has not changed for years, and this report is nothing new. What has changed, however, is the world’s response to it, embracing the report as solid truth. The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs (the equivalent of the State Department) lambasted the report as baseless and biased, but no one really cares what Israel is saying. For years, the Israeli government’s strategy has been to state the fact that it has offered the Palestinians sovereignty over 97% of the territories three times over the past twenty years, but the Palestinians rejected all of them. Israel reminds the critics that Israeli Arabs are equal citizens and are represented in the Israeli parliament, the Knesset, and even if they speak explicitly against the existence of the State of Israel, they are not silenced because of the democratic principle of freedom of speech.

But facts and reason do not matter. When it’s “open season” on Israel, everyone joins the hunt. Israel’s apologetic strategy will not abate the animosity toward it, and it doesn’t even matter if it’s guilty or not. When there is hatred, some blame will always be found to place on the hated one. Especially now, when the dweller in the White House has changed and Israel is no longer the favored country there, it is as though the world has been given a green light to attack, and this is exactly what it does.

We shouldn’t be surprised. We should be very worried, but most of all, we should get very active. Unless we act now, things will become worse, and soon. We need to understand that the world wants to get rid of the Jewish state. Therefore, the hiatus we were given while Trump was in office was only a temporary pause. This pause has ended, and the world will use every pretext to portray the Jewish state as evil.

Since it is useless, we should stop focusing on others and start focusing on ourselves. It is time to work on our inner solidarity, our social cohesion. The division we project sends a clear message to the nations: Get them now while they are weak!

If we were united, they would not only stop accusing us of whatever evil they can concoct, but they would finally see some benefit from our existence. After all, the only purpose of our being in the State of Israel, Jews from all the exiles, is to set an example of uniting all the cultures and ethnicities. If we unite, it will reignite the latent feeling within every person in the world that the Jews have a purpose in this world: to be “a light unto nations.” When our ancestors joined Abraham’s company, they were strangers who joined him only because they subscribed to his teaching that unity above hatred is the right way to live. When the offspring of those strangers united under Moses’ leadership at the foot of Mt. Sinai, they pledged to bond “as one man with one heart.” Only then, when they achieved this level of unity, were they given the task of being “a light unto nations.”

Our current disunity, our unfounded hatred, tells the world that we are not a light unto nations. In fact, we are the opposite of it: sending a constant message of division and mutual derision. This is why they hate us.

Here is a great example of the transformation that will take place if we unite. Ukraine born Vasily Shulgin was a senior member of the Duma, the Russian Parliament, before the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution. Openly and proudly, he proclaimed himself an anti-Semite, and often reiterated that statement. In his book What We Don’t Like About Them, he analyzes over many essays his perception of the Jews and what he thinks they are doing wrong. For instance, Shulgin complains that Jews are “very smart, effective, and vigorous at exploiting other people’s ideas. However,” he protests, “this is not an occupation for ‘teachers and prophets,’ not the role of ‘guides of the blind,’ not the role of ‘carriers of the lame.’” In another essay, Shulgin becomes almost poetic as he describes where the Jews can lead humanity if they only unite and rise to the challenge: “Let them … rise to the height to which they apparently climbed [in antiquity] … and immediately, all nations will rush to their feet. They will rush not by virtue of compulsion … but by free will, joyful in spirit, grateful and loving, including the Russians! We ourselves will request, ‘Give us Jewish rule, wise, benevolent, leading us to the Good.’”

The writing is on the wall; we can unite of our own volition, or we can be pushed to it against our will. If we refuse to do it either way, it will not end well. In 1929, Dr. Kurt Fleischer, the leader of the Liberals in the Berlin Jewish Community Assembly, stated that “Anti-Semitism is the scourge that God has sent us in order to lead us together and weld us together.” In 1929, we would not listen. I hope this time we will.

“What Is Anti-Semitism?” (Quora)

Dr. Michael LaitmanMichael Laitman, On Quora: What is anti-semitism?

Anti-Semitism is hatred for the spiritual gene that exists in part of the people in this world.

We all bear inside us an egoistic desire to receive, the ego, but inside the ego is a spark that draws us to a development that is opposite and above the ego.

There are people in whom the spiritual gene—also called a “spark” or a “point in the heart”—is large, and it attracts these people to spiritual development, and also influences their way of thinking, their characteristics and their attitude toward people and nature. (Note also that the Nazis wanted to find out how the spiritual gene in Jews influences spiritual qualities.)

Anti-Semitism is hatred of the spiritual gene, which completely opposes everything existing in creation.

Anti-Semitism stems from the essence of the Jewish people, where they are the complete opposite to every other nation, and due to the fact that they might later draw everyone with them to the purpose of creation. People hate the fact that they are opposite to the Jews, who hold a connection with the original quality of nature—the nature of love, bestowal and connection—and that they are connected to the most exalted goal, and also that only after they originally attained that connection did they tell the nations of the world about it, who proceeded to create religions and beliefs based on that.

We have this foundation, one that is connected to the spiritual force of love, bestowal and connection. This is who we are. The world hates this foundation in Jews, which cannot be uprooted. They feel it existing in us, and not in them, that we are close to the meaning of life, and they depend on us in order to reach the meaning of life.

Written/edited by students of Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman.

To Make Yourself Like The Creator

237Comment: The act of creation, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness,” corresponds to the commandment “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.”

My Response: We are very close here to the revelation of the Creator to people. You must examine and analyze exactly what the Creator is, what kind of force it is.

This is the recognition of the evil of one’s own nature, the ascent of a person above himself so that his sufferings and pleasures do not prevail over truth and falsehood in him. Truth should always be higher than even the greatest suffering. This is what truth or falsehood is.

When can I check if I am holding on to the truth? In my heart I can feel pleasure or suffering, and in my mind I perceive everything as true or false.

The most important thing is that the truth, that is, advancement toward the Creator, toward the truth, the light, infinity, should be higher than falsehood, sufferings, and pleasures. Nothing can bring me out of these three states regarding the truth. This is when everything is measured correctly. Then “do not bear false witness” is realized. Then you know for sure that you are checking yourself correctly, that you are your own judge, your own witness.

Question: Is “false witness” possible in feelings? At the level of truth and falsehood, can it be the opposite?

Answer: Yes. And then this commandment is broken down to many other qualities: make your own judgments, place guards at all your gates so as not to deviate from the correct goal.

Question: Do I establish this control within myself?

Answer: Yes. Therefore, we say that the Ten Commandments are broken into many parts, like any law.

Comment: Why is it said in the act of creation “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness”?

Answer: It is only in this way that you make yourself in the likeness to the Creator: when from all your qualities you gather bit by bit correct qualities regarding hatred and love, truth and falsehood, pleasure and suffering. The main thing is that there is truth, and from these particles of truth you create the image of the Creator from yourself.
From KabTV’s “The Power of The Book of Zohar” #11

Related Material:
The Ten Commandments And The Act Of Creation
“You Shall Not Take The Name Of The Lord, Your God, In Vain”
The Seventh Commandment Of Noah

Human Nature’s Request

546.04Question: Why are so many TV programs empty in content?

Answer: Today we are going through an intermediate stage. Once we were interested in the personal relationship between a man and a woman, social relations, some serious problems, the so-called classics: movies, operas, no matter what, but they were works of art.

There were not many of them, and that was enough for the people. They did not want to change things every day or watch a few TV shows every night.

Today a person suffers from the fact that he does not receive inner fulfillment, what his inner self requires. He is stuffed with all sorts of things. It is like an adult that is given porridge, while he needs a steak, vegetables, a glass of good wine. But there is none of it.

There is something childish, naive, stupid, starting from humor, satire, and ending with TV shows. I used to like to watch historical programs or travel channels about the world, beautiful places. But today this is also leveled.

In fact, the current human demand is much greater. It is a question of the meaning of existence. It is just suppressed. A person reaches a level where his suffering, emptiness, asks from within, “What do you exist for?”
From KabTV’s “Close-Up. Common Law Marriage” 8/11/09

Related Material:
The Foundation Of Human Nature
Human Nature: Peep And Eavesdrop
Human Nature: The Urge To Acquire

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 5/2/21

Preparation to the Lesson

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Lesson on the Topic “Chasing the Shechina

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Selected Highlights 

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