The Spiritual Is Beyond The Control Of Mechanical Consciousness

276.04Question: Is there a fundamental difference between human and artificial consciousness?

Answer: I think artificial consciousness is just a mechanical augmentation of our natural abilities. It does not lead to a more advanced understanding and sense of the space around us.

I do not think that the true space in which we exist, call it spiritual, is subject to some mechanical consciousness.

For this, we must develop our inner qualities, the quality of bestowal, the quality of reception, and they are not inherent in any mechanical device. This applies only to man because it is in him that the desire to receive and bestow is embodied.

Let’s say you create some external mechanical element that does something. But it will do it because you created it that way. No matter how much it improves itself later, its quality will not change. This can only happen in man because this feature is only in us.
From KabTV’s “Integral Course” 3/19/21

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