The Most Natural Activity

546.02Comment: Sometimes a person who studies the science of Kabbalah has such a distinct feeling that such a great, grandiose, almost incomprehensible revelation awaits him that he does not believe that he is capable of it.

My Response: Correct. But the fact is that this grandeur, eternity, perfection, and worlds are in us. By changing ourselves, we understand all this, and it is revealed within us. In fact, the disclosure of one’s “I” is the most natural work of man, going back to his root, to his father’s house from where he came from, to the Creator who created you. As a result, you return to the point of your creation. This is the most perfect, the most comfortable state. And therefore, it is the most natural, direct way of development. It is very close.

Question: I know a parable of a great Kabbalist in which several people remembered where they came from. And the smartest of them remembered how his umbilical cord was cut off when he was born. Is this some kind of spiritual action?

Answer: Of course, because he is there.

In the spiritual world, a person starts from zero, actual zero. Therefore, he himself determines everything that happens to him, he agrees with it, he chooses all his states, participates in his intrauterine spiritual development, in birth, and then in everything that happens to him.
From KabTV’s “The Power of The Book of Zohar” #2

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