Society As An Individual

259.01Question: The wisdom of the crowd is a beautiful term. But in real life when we encounter a crowd at stadiums, during protests or social unrest, we see that it is guided by the lowest impulses.

Is there a method to use the potential wisdom present in the crowd and turn it toward a positive direction?

Answer: I think that this is possible only if we make an image of an individual from the crowd. We must unite people who are opposite and far from each other in character, aspirations, understanding, etc. to achieve a common goal for which they can annul themselves and use their egoism for the benefit of unification. When their connection reaches such a unity they will succeed.

Usually we are faced with a contradiction between an individual and society: make the individual prevail over society or the society suppresses the individual. But here we need to make society a person so that it gathers all the elements of the individuals that it consists of into a single collective image.

Question: What does it mean to make society a person? Each person is an individual with different goals and desires.

Answer: When people come together to achieve a single goal they try to use everything each of them has to achieve this goal. Then there are no contradictions between them. They unite with each other over a very strict principle: over all contradictions, even over hatred, love will prevail.
From KabTV’s “Communication Skills” 9/25/20

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