To My Students, Friends, And Followers

Dr. Michael LaitmanFrom My Facebook Page Michael Laitman 6/15/20

We are living in a special time. The hidden connections that tie us all into one whole have emerged and demand our attention. At such a time, we are all accountable; we are responsible for one another. What each of us does, says, and thinks, impacts every single person, and the whole planet.

For this reason, now we must pursue unity more than ever before. We must pursue it above all that separates us: race, color, religion, gender, language, culture, history, literacy, mentality, and character. We are one body, one organism, and in an organism, there is no hatred among the organs, only love, respect, and gratitude to each organ for carrying out its unique role. Now that we are all connected, we can see that we, humanity, are just like any organism. We are all dependent on each other, and we must therefore cherish one another.

When we help each other grow and express each one’s uniqueness, we are not doing it for another person; we are doing it for ourselves! When each of us is happy, all of us are happy. This is how it works in an organism. And when we work as an organism, we will discover the power that exists in unity. This power, which enables all of reality to work in harmony, exists among us. If we build our connections in congruence with this power, we will feel it filling up the cavities between us. Then, all hatred and anguish will cease.

In these special times, every person in humanity is summoned to partake in the unity, and spread it far and wide. The wider we spread it, the more we will feel it. For this reason, I am asking all my friends, students, and followers to please share this message. Share the posts on my page wherever you can; place them on your wall and in groups where you are members. You are not doing this for yourselves; you are doing this for the world, to spread unity and love the world over. Never before has spreading love and unity been more pressing and essential than it is today. By doing so, you are healing humanity from hatred; you are ushering in solidarity, friendship, and happiness at a time of great transformation. It is in your hands to determine if we go through it pleasantly and easily, or painfully and slowly.

Please spread the word,

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