Male And Female, Part 4

Laitman_632.4Does a Soul Have a Gender?

Question: Does a soul have a gender? For example, if a person in this life is a woman, will this soul in the next life be clothed in a female body? Or this is not so?

Answer: Let’s say it is so.

Question: What does Kabbalah say about this?

Answer: Kabbalah does not deal with these concepts at all because our world is illusory, imagined by us in our sensory organs.

Remark: But we were talking about souls, about the fact that this bundle of energy undergoes all kinds of metamorphoses and constantly clothes in some kind of body until it comes to the final correction.

My Comment: For simplicity, let’s say that a male soul clothes in a male body and a female soul in a female body.

Question: Is this bundle of energy or this set of qualities unique to people? Can it clothe into some lower forms of matter?

Answer: No, not into anything else. This is not Hinduism.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah,” 12/31/18

Related Material:
Male And Female, Part 3
Male And Female, Part 2
Male And Female, Part 1

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