New Life #139 – The Future Of Influence And Leadership

New Life #139 – The Future of Influence and Leadership
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz


Control will be based on the understanding of nature. People no longer aspire to gain money, power, knowledge, and information. Younger generations lack the desire to get married, have a family, and raise children. Today, humanity feels like a child who has been forgotten all alone at home. It has totally lost its way and feels empty. The public is going mad and losing control as demonstrated by unemployment, terrorism, and riots. We no longer look to philosophers, politicians, scientists, and heads of state for direction and leadership. Our internal nature isn’t leading us forward anymore. It is becoming clear that we don’t understand who we are, where we are living, and what the general plan is. We have come to a halt. We need a new paradigm based on the laws of nature. Nature is a closed system of bestowal and feedback. We need to study nature in order to learn the right attitude toward society, economics, family, and ecology. We have to reveal the goal of nature regarding human connection. Whoever wishes to be influential must lead humanity toward correction and mutual connection. This is the business of the future. The media can play a vital role in the integral education of every individual. The people who teach this new, integral approach to life will soon be perceived as the dearest and most respected people in the world.
From KabTV’s “New Life #139 – The Future of Influence and Leadership,” 2/10/13

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