Two Opposites Acting Together

laitman_290The spiritual path is based on opposites: ascents and descents, both of which are equally important and lead to the same goal. Opposite times, states, and created beings that have inverse qualities but nevertheless unite—the entire spiritual world is built on two opposites acting as one whole. Inverse qualities neither cancel each other out nor do they alternate. Instead, they act in parallel simultaneously.

One who is able to endure such a split, constructs himself so as to enter the spiritual world. One who cannot endure this will be unable to build a Kli for spiritual attainment.

Regarding the Creator, of course, there is no contradiction and everything connects into one. Contradiction exists only with regard to the created being, consisting of matter and spirit that are opposite to each other. We have yet to understand and feel how much their contradiction is irreversible, irreconcilable, incomparable, and absolutely insoluble.

When contradiction arises in our world, we look for a compromise, an interim solution that reconciles one with the other. In spirituality, however, we do not seek a compromise. On the contrary, the more we advance in spirituality, the stronger we feel the contradiction between matter and the form dressed in matter, between the desire to receive and the desire to bestow, egoism and spirituality, the screen (Masach) and the Light.

It is necessary to study the contradiction and wait for the Light to form the ability to withstand this opposition and include two increasingly polar opposites in ourselves. From this, it becomes clear that spiritual attainment is different from corporeal attainment because it exists in a completely different dimension. It is impossible to understand it without testing it first.

Two opposites acting together are the formula, the foundation of the spiritual Kli, its whole essence. This is an extremely delicate, piquant, and interesting thing—incomprehensible, and at the same time, attractive. It allows you to feel some taste of spirituality even for those who are not in it, like quantum physics that reaches the very boundary between matter and Light.

This is why the spiritual work is in faith above reason, above our animalistic mind; after all, it is built on the unfamiliar to us, opposite qualities. A person consists of two forms: a human and an animal. A human advances in faith above reason, accepting both opposites as equal parts of one whole. The animalistic body, however, is guided by its corporeal mind and feelings. Of course, it goes without saying that a person must saddle his animal by sitting astride it.1
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/16/18, Lesson Preparation for the virtual Convention 2018
1 Minute 0:20 – 8:00

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