Longing For The Creator

laitman_567.04Question: Does my longing for feeling spirituality and the Creator become stronger or weaker with time?

Answer: The yearning for the Creator grows. Until one reaches spirituality, one’s desire for it constantly increases, in confusion and misunderstanding.

Question: Do I accept the growing yearning with joy?

Answer: There are different nuances here that you will no longer notice and you will stop paying attention to them.

Naturally, there are all kinds of circumstances in the group: sad ones, funny ones, annoying ones, and so on. But friends have to understand that if they are in a tense internal state, then they have to go through it all, and that they still have a lot ahead of them.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 2/18/18

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  1. Isit possible to serve two G_ds in Bb?

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