The Essential Secret Of The Jews, Part 25

From the book: The Essential Secret of the Jews, M. Brushtein.

“Fundamental Principles of the Integral Theory”

Egoism Is A Desire

So, egoism is a desire. No matter how important it sounds, we are talking about a new world view.

“A world view is system of views on the objective world and man’s place in it, on man’s relation to the reality around him and himself, as well as a framework of people’s attitudes, beliefs, ideals, principles, knowledge, activity, and values, based on these views.” (Academic Dictionary)

Unfortunately, dictionaries are still “not familiar” with this worldview, so for the time being we will call it a concept. In any case, this concept or model is very promising and relevant. First of all, because it has never been refuted by anyone or anything despite the fact that, according to our resources, it is about 6000 years old.

This concept is often treated with suspicion or misunderstanding. The main reason is the lack of information.

Two facts indicate the relevance of this concept. Firstly, its full realization, no matter how strange it sounds, was originally scheduled for our time. Secondly, this concept explains many, if not all, of today’s problems.

Let’s see how this concept is revealed by its authors – Kabbalists.

The desire is the essence of creation, from the beginning to the end, the only “material” from which it is composed.

“All of the various created beings are merely different “portions” of the “desire to receive”. Moreover, all events that happen to them are the changes that happen to this “desire to receive.” (The Science of Kabbalah (Pticha))

First of all, it is necessary to make sure that we speak in the same language as the author. What is behind the words the “desire to receive”? What does the author mean by the word “creation”? Maybe it is something exotic or esoteric?

“…even in the smallest of particles, it amounts to no more than a “desire to receive.” (Yehuda Ashlag “The Freedom”)

No. It seems that the author speaks the same language as we do.

And yet, to remove the last doubts I would like to have something concrete.

“That force, the will to receive, is present in every element of reality, as we have explained above. Also, all four types: still, vegetative, animate and speaking emerged from them.” (Yehuda Ashlag “The Freedom”)

So, all that exists is that desire. Now we can move on, or rather, return to the very beginning. To those events that took place long before the famous Big Bang.

Related Material:
The Essential Secret Of The Jews, Part 24
The Essential Secret Of The Jews, Part 23
The Essential Secret Of The Jews, Part 22

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