Let’s Declare Ourselves Bankrupt And Start All Over Again!

Dr. Michael LaitmanOpinion (Jim Rogers, American investor and author, Chairman of Rogers Holdings and Beeland Interests): “’We’re certainly going to have more crises coming out of Europe and America; the world is in trouble. The world has been spending staggering amounts of money that it doesn’t have for a few decades now, and it’s all coming home to roost,’ Rogers, CEO and chairman Rogers Holdings told CNBC. …

“’In 2002 it was bad, in 2008 it was worse and 2012 or 2013 is going to be worse still – be careful,’ he added.

“Rogers told CNBC the only solution to the crisis was to let everyone go bankrupt.

“’Get everyone in a room and decide you will go bankrupt. You will survive and we’re going to ringfence you. We’ll make sure your checks clear. Everyone’s deposits are going to be ok, the system’s going to survive.’ …

“’It [the world] would be better off if we can hold the euro together and we reorganize. People are bankrupt and when people are bankrupt you might as well face reality. Reorganize the assets, competent people (will) come in and you start over from a sound base,’ Rogers said.”

My Comment: Of course, it would shake the whole world, but the new page would be no better than the old one because the same egoists would quickly build their terrible world; they would not be able to do otherwise.

Solution: That is why, along with the announcement of worldwide bankruptcy (in the Bible, it is a mandatory condition for the existence of society to announce Yovel, a complete return of all property to its original state, every 50 years), we need also to declare the bankruptcy of people and all social relations as the cause of the bankruptcy of the economic system they created. A society based only on integral education and upbringing will be able to build a useful system of social relations, competing in not how to harm, but how to benefit each other. The reward for such efforts will be the revelation of feeling of the higher eternal flow of life.

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Mutual Responsibility Course: A Post-Crisis Crash Course

Dr. Michael LaitmanToday, we need to create a system of integral education and upbringing. Within its framework, we’ll explain what the method of correction is, how the world works, what the freedom of choice a person has, and how our egoism developed throughout history and the dead end it has entered today. We’ll talk about the fact that the end of the egoistic development is felt as a crisis, that a new global and integral world is being revealed to us both from the side of nature as environmental disasters and in human society, which inevitably joined the framework of an integral system, with the result that now everyone depends on each other.

All of this is not revealed accidentally, but in order to force us to correct the connection between us and to move onto the next stage of development. The peculiarity of this stage is that it consists of two integrated and interconnected forces: Forces of egoism in the left line and forces of bestowal and love in the right line. Thus, we build a new relationship with the world and have to look at it differently. By improving ourselves, we fix family, the environment, education, culture, science, economics, finance, and everything else. After all, it’s us humans who have built all of that, and therefore by changing ourselves, we’ll change all these systems as well. This will be the consequence of the new internal human nature that changed and reached equilibrium.

We’ll distribute that knowledge to people through courses available to everyone. Fifteen meetings of two to three hours will open a person’s eyes to a new world in which he finds himself. The meetings will expand a person’s horizons, make a link between history, today, and tomorrow, and will reveal his own nature and the nature of the world. It will give an understanding of the evolutionary process through which we are going.

Everything will be presented in one set, including the role of the people of Israel and the nations of the world. By revealing this integral picture, a person sees that everything is based on mutual support and responsibility, thus mutual help is required from each and everyone in order to reach a “round” world. In fact, this methodology introduces nothing new in comparison to the same methodology of Abraham which laid the foundations of the Jewish people that we use today.

Mutual responsibility courses will quickly enable people to feel the situation changing for the better, both in their countries and around the world. The results will be seen within several months.

Question: What should be emphasized: mutual responsibility training or roundtable discussions?

Answer: This is a single system: Workshops are a part of the course program. The main thing is to start realizing it, and a positive result won’t keep you waiting.
From a Conversation 6/5/12

Related Material:
The Ceiling of Egoistic Growth
Farewell To The Animate Level Of Development
Man’s Responsibility To Rebuild Society

The Transition To An Integral System

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: You communicate with scientists a lot. What is your impression: Do people feel the transition to a new integral system?

Answer: Sure! Plenty of people write about this on their own without any prompting. They express correct, although, in a sense, fragmentary thoughts because they lack generality. They lack our integral method that talks about general nature and general management.

So, of course, not having this method, it is difficult for them to see globality, but many of them still see it, and the rest talk about it mostly in their areas. In general today, we even cannot say that there are people who would not agree with it at least partly.

There is plenty of material online on this topic. We have compiled a huge database of statements from and communications with these people. Basically, they are Western and American scientists, but I am sure that we can find the same in Russia.
From a “Talk on Integral Upbringing” 5/31/12

Related material :
When Did The Integration Begin?
A Real Transition
The Transition To the Global World

Enlisting Scientists To Help

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Earlier, we spoke about the importance of interacting with scientists to interview them, gather materials, listen to their opinions, and use them to support the legitimacy of our remarks from a scientific point of view. Should we continue this work? In what form is it better to do it?

Answer: I don’t think that we need legitimization. Based on the fact that we want to introduce the idea of integral education and upbringing to society, we need to do it quickly and not just the idea, but its practical application and to obtain a broad view from the scientific community. That is all, perhaps.

The next stage is practical application when, together with scientists, psychologists, sociologists, and political scientists, we can come to a practical solution. To do this, we need to take an example of a small town or even a small community, such as a village, school, or business, and create there such a community of people that would be able to help solve numerous internal and external problems.
From a “Talk on Integral Upbringing” 5/31/12

Related Material:
A Guide To solving Problems
Modern Science On The Verge Of The Unknown
The Next Phase Of Human Development

How Can We Make The Material Easier To Perceive?

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: When we speak about integrality, this idea is so new to people that they can’t perceive it. The innovation and the simplicity of the information, despite the urgency, make its perception very difficult even for an educated person. How can we overcome this obstacle?

Answer: I believe that we should provide less information. On the whole a person has to feel the idea. In a short conversation, a person should receive just the amount of information that he will be able to immediately understand and perceive; this means every word should be weighed and the ideas should be expressed in a simple language as the whole idea—very simple. Then people should discuss this idea in integral circles since every person should have a chance to express himself.

First, the participants should discuss an idea that comes from integral education, for example, “the ego as the source of evil,” and then discuss it. Then they should take the next topic “an attribute that is opposite from the ego,” which means altruism, mutual help, and discuss it. The discussion should be brief so that they’ll be left with a good impression at the end and most importantly so that they feel unity among themselves with an emphasis that there is no pressure, no coercion, and not some party trend, not a game of lies, but an essential tool for survival.

When a person leaves with this feeling, it’s a serious, desirable outcome. Thus every lesson should advance them a step further.

Several lessons will probably be required in order to collect and to process the ideas about the human ego, the world, personal life, and the family, and each time to show somehow that we can solve our problems by rising above them, which means to teach people the technique of growth.

All the opinions, the feelings, the rejections, and the negativity remain below. By respecting each individual, we rise to the general collective unity and from there we begin to solve our problems. These lessons should end with a workshop each time, and people should be left with an emotional impression that stems from something they have learned.
From a “Talk on Integral Upbringing” 5/31/12

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Unlimited Perception Of Information
Preparing High Level Experts
Information About The Most Sacred

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 07.27.12

Preparation to the Lesson

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Shamati #13 “The Eighteenth Prayer”

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Audio Version Of The Blog – 07.26.12

Listen to an Audio Version of the Blog
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Everything Is Attained By Connection

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: How does our connection become the basis for the revelation of the spiritual levels?

Answer: Every level is a world that you feel, a world that is woven by the connection among all the souls. The first connection that has come from the world of Ein Sof (Infinity) gradually diminished until it was shattered and became totally detached in our world. Now, from this point, the ascent in the same levels of connection begins, and it is the only thing you have to reveal.

The “matter” of the souls is the desire to receive and the connection among them is the system we study about. The Ten Sefirot, the spiritual Partzufim, are all the essence of different methods of mutual connection of the souls between them.

On the whole, a whole body is thus formed as we rise to Malchut of Ein Sof, and all the connections are 100% bestowal without any obstacles and deficiencies. Then all the resistance in the transition among us disappears and the connection is immediately fulfilled in infinite speed. This is the state of Ein Sof.

The adhesion indicates a simple thing: What I have at a certain moment, you have too, and vice versa. This communication is unlimited. It isn’t confined to time and the resistance of the ego. The “resistor” among us disappears and our desires cooperate freely and to their full extent.

Question: How should it be expressed in the workshops?

Answer: Our adhesion during the workshops is an effort: We want to unite so strongly, as much as we can imagine, so that each one will lose his feeling of self and we will feel one desire, one thought, one whole. By these efforts, from the point of unity, we think about a solution to the question we were given by the teacher. The solution is within the connection.

Therefore, during the workshop we yearn to find the answer through the unity. Each time we search for a solution, we want to attain it by the unity, without using our logic. After all, we are not going to logically examine the words of the Kabbalists.

Without connection, there is no point in sitting in a circle. So what do we need it for? For an intellectual conversation or a scientific debate? No, the mission is given only in order to create a new quality. Then by feeling the collective quality, you find the solution.

The workshop is only meant to create a collective vessel that belongs to an upper level. We try to reach it as hard as we can, but if there is no solution, it means that we have not succeeded.

There is no point mentioning the connection while we are in the process, it has to be the goal from the beginning. Can we come to a workshop not in order to connect, and in this connection find the next level or at least find the solution to the question that leads to it?
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 7/13/12, Writings of Baal HaSulam 

Related Material:
The Workshops: Not Just Verbal Debates But An Ascent To Unity
Ascending To The Top Of The Pyramid
A World Structured At My Request

Teach Me How To Live

Dr. Michael LaitmanOpinion (Mark Sandomirsky, psychotherapist): “The younger ones often know more than the senior ones. Technological progress is very rapid, and the difference in the perception of the world for children and adults is enormous.

“The so-called pre-figurative society has been formed, which in principle is easily explained: children process the information field differently, assimilate the data more quickly, and for adults it is more difficult to keep up with advances in technology. That is why a five-year-old can easily turn on any electrical device and tell his grandmother how to use it.

“And one could only be glad that a new generation is advancing if it were not for the problems arising from this distance between adults and children.

“The first one is that the younger generation develops the illusion of access to knowledge: you can ‘google’ any information and find it on the Internet. The second one is that their sense of superiority destroys the authority of adults. Both of these problems are concentrated precisely in school, but it is simply impossible to solve them in the present school organization. …

“Two things are still needed for the effective learning of children. Firstly, they must come together to compete with each other, including assessment, as competition is the best stimulus for learning. Secondly, they just need an adult who would be the moral authority for them and coordinator of information flow. ”

My Comment: We need to get together, not to develop competitive skills, but to develop mutual support and understanding that in today’s integral society it is precisely cooperation that gives rise to success.

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Overcoming Indifference And Boredom
A Mandatory Subject
Fathers And Sons: Who Lacks Understanding?

Weekly Torah Portion – 07.26.12

The Book of Zohar, Weekly Torah Portion, “Ha-Shavua” Selected Excerpts

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